Originally uploaded by auntjojo
At the end of this first full week of Lent, we return to the gospel text for this Sunday with Jesus making his way to Jerusalem and mourning over the unwillingness of that city to embrace him (Luke 13:31-35). Herod is out to kill him. He knows he is walking to his death. I would be discouraged, frustrated, stomping my way to that city of a hill. At the least I would be finding a way to protect myself along the way. Jesus, of course, will have none of that. In the face of such opposition, Jesus turns to embrace the people. He brings the presence of the kingdom through driving out demons and healing. In the face of enemies, Jesus brings the gospel. What a concept! To love your enemies. I have to admit that I appreciate the fact that for Jesus healing is an act of defiance. There is power in bringing the gospel and making the kingdom real among the people. During Lent, I hope I will learn to do the same. In the face of enemies and challenges, I will endeavor to stand strong, not hiding or retaliating, but bringing the gospel.