Thursday, July 05, 2007

Quote of the Day

“We tend to repeat customary actions unaware that when we do today what we did yesterday we actually do something different since in the interval both we and our environment have changed; unaware also that we now do without conscious definition of purpose and method what was done yesterday with specific ends in view and by relatively precise means."

From the forward to H. Richard Niebuhr's The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry, 1956


USA churches (for now) said...

Hi JoAnn! I found your site via Cathy's. I too have just entered the blog-world:
Hope you're doing well. I can't thank you enough for articulating (bravely) your thoughts about 40-year old virginity. I too am among the chaste few, and 1.5 years away from 50!!! yikes! I wanted to stand up and applaud your comments that the onlooking world assumes secretive deviant behavior in the older chaste woman. I too cringe when I hear the talk-show jokes. And I, too, don't find it (relatively) difficult since I'm not in a relationship and I think that must help keep the hormones at bay. Still, one does feel left out of something so basic to human life. I hate feeling left out, whatever the topic. But I have, as you have, chosen obedience and honor to God as a priority. I have no intention of screwing up (no pun intended) my relationship with the one, THEE ONE, who sees me through this journey. Thanks for boldly going where no man has gone before! Hehehe! (journaling it that is)

Ingrid said...

Don't know who to credit for this quotation - I suppose I could google it but I'm too sleepy right now - "The definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results." Anyhow, that line was the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post.

I have a slideshow CD for you. Look me up when you're back in town.