Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Hiding Place

My Hiding Place
Originally uploaded by auntjojo

"You are my hiding place; and you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance," says the psalmist (32:7).
I am not sure this spot would make that great of a hiding place. Sure, you could burrow deep in the grass, but this particular grass is sharp and the ground is wet. To crawl in there would leave you cut and covered in mud.
Is it all right if I suggest that sometimes I feel the same way when I try to rely on God as my hiding place? On the outside I often feel a bit bruised and battered. In fact, trouble still seems to find me on a regular basis. Yet within me is a place that cannot be touched. A place where God is present, where my heart and mind can be protected, where the image of God within me is preserved. Perhaps the Psalmist had it a bit mixed up. Perhaps God is not our hiding place. Perhaps we are God's hiding place. Perhaps God is dwelling deep within us. Of course, if God is dwelling within us, that is not something to hide, is it. Rather, it is a light that is to shine on the whole world. Hidden in the bright light of God's glory. It would be just like God to do something like that.

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