Monday, March 08, 2010

Unleavened Bread?

Unleavened Bread?
Originally uploaded by auntjojo

Unleavened bread? I thought pita was unleavened, but no... there is yeast in it. Still, today it will represent unleavened bread.
Before I reflect, I should apologize for yesterday. It was a very long week and after preaching and leading the service on Sunday morning, I needed to take the rest of the day off. A sabbath of sorts... There is a possibility that this will be regular practice. We'll see.

But for now, we celebrate with the Egyptians in Joshua 5:9-12. They've finally entered the promised land. They've celebrated the passover once again. Remembering where they came from. And they are finally through with manna. They get to eat the produce of the land, unleavened bread and roasted grain. I need to ponder why this text in the midst of Lent. A celebration of God's deliverance. It seems more of an Easter text to me. It reminds us in the midst of Lent that Jesus is the bread of life. That God does deliver. That Lent is a movement through suffering to celebration.

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