John 9:16 "Some of the Pharisees said, 'This man is not from God for he does not observe the sabbath.' But others said, 'How can a man who is a sinner perform such signs?' And they were divided."
In the Jewish tradition, families mark the sabbath by lighting a candle 18 minutes before sundown on Friday. For the next day, until three stars appear in the sky on Saturday evening, no work is to be done. It is a day of "ceasing" from the Hebrew "shabbat" which we translate as Sabbath. It is a day of rest marking the seventh day of creation when God rested. It is a day to celebrate release from slavery and an enforced seven day work week.
But it seems that over time Sabbath became a marker for those who were from God and those who were not. Those who kept it properly, observed all the right rules, were strict and rigid in their discipline were considered faithful. Jesus, of course, broke the Sabbath rules regularly by healing on the Sabbath and allowing his disciples to gather grain to eat.
I am not so much concerned about judging the Pharisees in this passage for their condemnation of Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. Rather, I am wondering about what my rules are? What are those things that I consider as sacred as the Sabbath? Those things that I believe can help me to distinguish someone who is from God and someone who is not? What are those practices that have become more important than faith itself? More important that loving God and loving my neighbor as myself? More important than doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God?
I am not saying that our faith shouldn't show in our actions. And I am definitely not saying that some historical practices of the church aren't important disciplines in our life... but when do I cross that line where the discipline comes define me rather than the God who established it? When do I become about purity but not holiness? When do I become about individuals rights and not justice? When do I read the Bible but fail to see God? Attend church every Sunday but forget to worship?