There are two options for the lectionary text for this coming Sunday. At our church we'll be focusing on Matthew 17:1-13, the Transfiguration. I'm sure throughout the week I'll reflect more on the connections and contrasts between this text and the wilderness temptation from this past week. For today, though, simply a focus on the glory of the moment. If you can imagine it, just you and a few friends on a mountaintop with Jesus in all his glory. "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white." Of course Peter wanted to preserve the moment, to build a shelter and stay there. To bask in the light of his glory. To experience the holiness of God.
I know that if I keep reading I'll have to follow Peter down the mountain. I know that we were not meant to simply bask in this glory forever. But for now, for this day, I think I'll just look on the beauty and holiness of our God. Just for a minute. I know, not too long... I know there is work to do in this world. I know that for the moment we are only allowed glimpses of the kingdom. But someday... someday we'll be able to stand in God's presence. Someday we will be able to simply dwell in the glory of the Lord.
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