Wow... I started writing a short post on the boundary crossings that take place in the story of the woman at the well and a few pages later still hadn't gotten anywhere. There is so much to say about boundary crossings and they are so tricky! So often boundaries are crossed in ways that do violence to another person. So often boundaries are set up to exclude or demean others... or to make ourselves feel better about ourselves. So often we pretend to cross boundaries for the good of another person (or people group or nation), when we are actually doing it to meet some need of our own. And of course, there are those people who have no boundaries, who have lost any sense of self and have become enmeshed with everyone around them.
I'm not sure this text helps us to sort through our boundary issues. Jesus seems to cross all sorts of boundaries regarding race, gender, and religion with the woman at the well. The woman seems to cross several boundaries herself, responding to Jesus' questions with her own questions and leading him into a deep theological discussion. A discussion which she then shares with the rest of her community. There are times when boundary crossing can be deeply healing and meaningful. Boundary crossing can be a way not of demeaning or overpowering another, but of recognizing the worth and humanity of another.
But my own challenge for this week? I have very high boundaries in my life... mostly for very good reasons. It has served me well in my role as a pastor and former dean of students. It has not served me quite as well in my personal life. How do I find a way to allow my boundaries to more fully reflect the community that God has called me to? How do I find a way to shift my boundaries a bit so they remain strong but also healthy and permeable when needed?
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