I had this great idea... take a picture of one of my journal entries to represent Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well and telling her everything that she ever did (John 4:39), because Jesus already knows all that is written in them.
Well, I looked at the first pictures and realized that I better start erasing some of the words to protect the innocent (well, at least my innocence!). Eventually, though, I was erasing whole lines and then whole paragraphs! I had to spend several minutes going through my journals to find a few pages that I would be willing to reveal.. well, for the most part.
I was struck through this process by the incredible vulnerability that the woman must have felt. Jesus looking into her soul and naming the one thing she was perhaps most ashamed of. Amazingly, she does not respond with shame or fear or anger. Instead, she recognizes Jesus as a prophet and asks where she should worship God. I have a lot to learn from this woman. That standing open and vulnerable before God is not something to fear or avoid... but rather when we allow Jesus to peer into the corners of our heart and mind, when Jesus tells us who we... those are the moments when we see most clearly who our God is, our omniscient, holy, and grace-filled God.
a God of love
Reading from nc on my new iPad. Your blog looks real good on an iPad
Love it. Being able to stand before God as naked as we came into this world and allowing Him to see every single thought and imperfection.
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