Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Wilderness Comes to Us

This coming Sunday's lectionary text is from Matt. 4:1-11, Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. Since I am preaching this Sunday, I have been thinking a lot about this idea of wilderness during the week. In the story, Jesus is led out into the wilderness. In fact most wilderness experiences in scripture seem to be about people (Israel, Moses, Jesus, etc.) being led out into the wilderness. It is there that they are tested, tempted, shaped and formed.

For me, though, Lent is not about being led into the wilderness. Instead, Lent is more about realizing the ways the wilderness has made its way into my life. Where are the cracks and crevices that vines of anger or jealousy have taken hold? How have I allowed greed or over-consumption to creep in? When have I abided in vines other than Christ? Where have I grafted myself into the promises of this world rather than the promises of God?

Lent is a time for pruning, for cutting back... it is a time for pulling down those vines of sin that have wound their way into our lives. I know sometimes it is difficult to separate them from the rest of our lives. They blend in, cling on, become a part of us. But may God reveal them to us throughout this season as we prepare once again to celebrate the one who makes our restoration a possibility.

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