Saturday, March 12, 2011

Follow You Where?

Uh... Lord... I don't think I want to follow you out into the wilderness today. I'm not sure what's out there...

Well, that's not exactly true. I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what's out there. My fears and my anxieties. My doubts and insecurities. My deepest longings. I don't think I really want to face those right now. I know it's Lent. I know it is time for repentance and reflection. But can't it wait until another day?

Oh... it can't really wait? If I want to find you I'll have to go out there? Right now? Oh Lord, give me courage to follow you on this Lenten journey.


Cathy and Jim said...

cool photo... and reflection. where was it taken?
Love it.

Radtkecustoms said...

On spot with how I'm feeling today.

Jo Ann Deasy said...

It's actually an old picture from a trip out to California last year. It's a salt marsh near Carlsbad, CA.